Our newsletter to keep you up to date with all developments regarding the Grabowskis!

BfE support
We are happy to share that in late 2023, we were able to gain the support of the Bundesamt für Energie (BfE) through the P+D Program. The support is tied to our milestones and will enable us to carry out our drill tests in various depths and geologies over the coming months until mid 2025. Project partner is also the Amt für Wasser, Abfall, Energie und Luft Zurich (AWEL), which will add valuable regulatory feedback.
GeoTherm 2024
This past week, we were present at the GeoTherm - the largest Geothermal exhibition in Europe. The feedback that we received over the two days in Offenburg was overwhelmingly positive! People enganged with our prototype, challenged it and offered valuable customer insights.
Drilling Progress
Over the past two weeks we re-started our drill tests. We saw the modifcations that we made over the past months making a large impact - with the smoother surface of the drill, little rocks are now no longer able to jam the hammer. This allowed us to reach consistent drillspeeds of up to 2 cm per minute - one of our goals. The further drill tests also revealed an optimization in the design of the hammering mechanism that we will now carry out before continuing the tests.